Here at Coinhako, we believe that building a great user experience comes hand in hand with strong security standards.

As part of our commitment to give our users a secure cryptocurrency trading experience, we are very excited to share that Coinhako has received the ISO 27001 certification.

What is ISO 27001?

ISO 27001 is the leading international standard focused on information security. Published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in partnership with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), ISO 27001 is part of a set of standards developed to handle information security. To manage security effectively and comply with the industry’s best practices and standards, a company has to establish an Information Security Management System (ISMS).

The basic goal of ISO 27001 is to protect three aspects of information:

  • Confidentiality: Only authorized persons have the right to access information.
  • Integrity: Only authorized persons can change the information.
  • Availability: The information must be accessible to authorized persons whenever it is needed.

What does it take to be ISO 27001 certified?

The ISO framework is a combination of various standards for organizations to use. This framework helps organizations to protect their information in a systematic and cost-effective way through the adoption of an ISMS.

Adhering to the framework requires each company to adopt a number of controls on their platform split into four categories: technological, people, physical and organisations — as of 2022, there are 93 controls divided into these categories.

A company gets their ISO 27001 certification by inviting an accredited certification body to perform the certification audit. If the audit is successful, the ISO 27001 certificate is issued to the company, signifying the company’s full compliance with the ISO 27001 standard.

Is the ISO 27001 certification mandatory?

The ISO 27001 certification is not mandatory, but it was important that we implement the required controls on our platform so our users can rest easy knowing information on Coinhako is and remains secure.

Here’s what our Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) Pasi Koistinen had to say:

“Coinhako is unwavering in our commitment to data and information security, and the ISO 27001 certification is a significant milestone in Coinhako’s pursuit for excellence in information security. The certification process was rigorous and the teams worked tirelessly to ensure our Information Security Management System is effective in safeguarding the confidentiality and integrity of our  clients’ information, while minimizing risks.

Sign up to trade securely on Coinhako

Why is this important?

More often than not, it is taken for granted that sites we visit are inherently safe and that relevant controls are in place to ensure that safety, but the frequency with which data leaks and misuse happen have proven otherwise. This accomplishment demonstrates Coinhako’s dedication to implementing reliable controls to safeguard the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information entrusted to the company.

Tips to keep your data safe

What does this mean for Coinhako users?

Nothing much changes in the way you use our platform — depositing your money remains as easy as ever, trading remains accessible to you. But you can now rest easier knowing that your data with us is safe and sound.

Disclaimer: All writers’ opinions are their own and do not constitute financial advice. As a company, we do our best to provide information that is accurate and valuable. The contents of this blog post are intended for educational purposes only. Individuals are advised to perform due diligence before purchasing any cryptocurrencies as these assets are subject to high volatility, and understand the risks associated with trading cryptocurrencies.

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Copyright © Coinhako 2023 All Rights Reserved. Read more on our terms of use of this blog. All opinions expressed here by are intended for educational purposes, taken from the research and experiences of the writers of the platform, and should not be taken as investment or financial advice.