Consider this can. Have you had a canned drink before? Have you opened a canned drink before? Tricky the first time but a breeze ever since.

Now join us as you take a sip of your new can of liquid…assets? Bitcoin and digital assets have always been tricky to figure out so now we’ve made it easier on the user. Coinhako is going to be with you from start to the finish with our new and improved streamlined process and design.

Coinhako began with a singular vision – to make Bitcoin as simple and accessible as possible. This pushes us to remove all the necessary barriers for people to use bitcoin while keeping it secure and convenient. Today, we continue to drive forward with that aim, bringing Bitcoin and other digital assets to even more people in the world. We envision the world to move towards a more open financial network, with the possibilities of a seamless and connected value transfer system.

We needed a conceptual and visual thread to connect everything, an identity that worked well to communicate the values of Coinhako and implored people to imagine the possibilities. Our challenge was to craft an identity that is consistent yet variable, simultaneously friendly and interesting.

The new wordmark

Transition from the Coinhako icon to wordmark

New swag


The way the identity behaves in motion is an extension of our vision and mission. It’s an opportunity for us to convey our renewed commitment to bringing you a connected, simple and secure wallet.

Our core values in a slot motion

Our vision of digital assets and Coinhako as an essential part of your life.

Using our graphic device to depict exchange 

Iconography and Illustrations

We believe that digital assets are the best way forward for a more connected world. It will be our long term goal to work on integrations and make it easier for our customers to use Coinhako for exchanges between friends and businesses,  all over the world.

This begins with a friendlier and more approachable site, redesigned from iconography to illustrations.

Utility icons for our interfaces

Lifestyle icons – possibilities of a seamless connected world

Character development

Login and Authentication screens

Transaction history

As our users and transactions grow daily, Coinhako is gearing up to not only introduce more digital assets and also expand our platform to the rest of Southeast Asia.

Thank you for being part of this wonderful journey with us. This is just the start and we hope everyone is as excited as we are!